Good Sunday morning. I got up early this morning and felt good to clean, actually. The sun is bright here and I couldn't ask for better weather. My friend and coworker is meeting me at the Metro for church this morning and then I think we will have lunch up on the roof. I will probably take some more pictures to post. I need to go to the store to find something to make for lunch. Any suggestions?
School started this week, and I'm already feeling the full weight of full time/full time work and school. That's okay... I work best under that kind of strain.
Anyway, I felt that it was time to post something new. I am looking forward to going to Nashville for Thanksgiving. I keep hearing how beautiful Tennessee is all year round. Southern and rural and bountiful and rich and beautiful. It is very lovely here, too, except not having a car prohibits me from taking advantage of this new countryside. I keep hearing about New England from my roomates, and I want to see that region as well.
So take care. Love, Juliet