Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Send Me Wisdom From Above

Where am I being called, where am I being tugged?

I grew up in a wonderful, glorious place.

I was nurtured and loved, supported and encouraged by the good and Godly people of Central California.

I was a bright mind, an ambitious branch of the conservative philosophy and theology of the region.

I had a community of like-minded friends who mutually edified and challenged one another.

But I was set on blazing a new trail, and I had a quest and search for more stimulation for my mind, spirit, intellect, soul, and understanding.

This led me to Washington DC.

Everyone here is as I described myself: bright, ambitious, passionate, thoughtful, willing to risk to change the world according to the dictates of their worldview.

I felt like a small fish in a big pond. It was glorious. I found stimulation, challenge, and encouragement everywhere. And I grew, and GREW, and GREW.

Now, I face my life at a crossroads. Have I learned to form and challenge myself (with the proddings and leadings of God, of course), to the point where I could go back to a non-challenging region and still grow? 

Or should I stay in this community of national discourse, intellectual rigor, and educational and imaginative stimulation? DC is truly the nexus of today’s national and worldwide problems and concerns, and to step back and remove myself would be to step down to a lower, more personalistic realm of thought and consideration. Would I be giving up too much if I move? 

God, please make it clear to me. These years are so formative for me, and will define the route of my future path.  I want to do what brings most glory to God. Where will my gifts be most anointed and used? Where will I be most humble, and most open to you? 

Send me wisdom from above!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Quote from my Favorite: Mr. Charles Dickens

“Love her, love her, love her! If she favours you, love her. If she wounds you, love her. If she tears your heart to pieces – and as it gets older and stronger, it will tear deeper – love her, love her, love her!”
― Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

One Down, Fifteen to Go

I just finished a book! I subscribe to to keep track of the books I am trying to get through. I have been reading a lot, and I don't want to start anything new until I finish what I am currently working on (FIFTEEN BOOKS I have started and need to finish). This is one of my Lent projects. I am not going out at night, except for my normal routine of walking and talking on the phone. I really want to finish these books so I can refresh my book selection.

The book I finished this weekend is "Return to Modesty" by Wendy Shalit. Here is an excerpt.

It was depressing, mostly, but I guess it is real life and had some truth to it. Although I don't really like the soapbox tone that sometimes creeps is generally secular, which makes it that much more interesting to me. I am used to hearing this tone from Christians, but this is a widespread, secular publication. I appreciated it for that. It is not sanctimonious, but respectfully pushing against the feminist norms encountered in our secular institutions.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

How Do You Know What Love Is?

"What distinguishes all love from lust is the fact that it bears an impress of eternity."-- Soren Kierkegaard

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Audience of One

In this stage of my life, much of my time and energy is spent on endeavors that no one but my Lord sees. My internal thoughts and many of my actions are not noticed, rebuked, or affirmed by others. Lest you think that I am complaining or lamenting this fact—please do not assume so! It is a precious life, and during my singleness, I am able to do things for my God alone. 
 First Corinthians 7:34-35:
 “An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband. 35 I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.”
In this way, I feel like my life and actions are largely received into the silence, with my God to know and hear me and comfort and provide for me.  And he has done so, so completely and wholly that I am at a loss to understand or comprehend it.

It is good for my vanity to know that God alone sees what I do in secret. I write from my heart, I work from my heart, I serve from my heart, and I do little things here and there to serve Him. And He always knows. My motivations are not to be seen or esteemed by others, but for God to witness my service to Him.

I have a lot to offer the world, and some day I may be involved in more public events than I am today. But for now, my thoughts and my efforts are for God alone. And I am thankful that He appreciates me!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Why Pray For....(Fill-in-the-Blank)

Whether you are praying for marriage, or praying for another longing, this is a beautiful, inspiring article. Thank you Jesus that you don't despise, but love our petitions! Thank you that you answer prayers all the time, and that you have our good in mind. Thank you that you are in charge of the answers to our petitions and needs.

Why Pray for a Husband?
Carolyn McCulley
September 12, 2011

Over several years of ministering to single women, I've heard one question asked repeatedly: "Should I pray for a husband?" On the surface, it can seem an odd question, but I am sympathetic to the reasons why it is asked. Lurking behind that one question are many others: "What if God doesn't answer this prayer?" "Is this something I should even be focused on?" "Is it selfish of me to want a husband?" "Is God still good if I pray and I remain single?" and so forth.

My short answer is: Yes, you should pray! And don't just pray for yourself. Pray for your other single friends (men and women). Pray for the marriages among your friends and family.

Then open your eyes to the many, many prayers He is answering. Every day, God is bringing people together. So instead of sighing with self-pity when you get that next wedding invitation, rejoice for the evidence of answered prayer!

To be honest, I have not always rejoiced at the weddings of others. At least not initially. But the more I've encountered the faithfulness of God, the easier it has become. Taking note of answered prayers is the best antidote I know for overcoming the forlorn assumption that your own prayers go unanswered. Soon you will see an abundance of prayers are answered every day, which balances out the long wait for other prayer requests.

In fact, these days I typically find it very easy to "rejoice with those who rejoice." Over the years, I've been in many formal and informal prayer groups where women have petitioned the Lord for husbands, asked God to bring more single men to their churches, and interceded for the single men who are already there. The majority of each group is now married. I can list dozens and dozens of men and women alike who now have spouses-men and women of various ages, ethnicities, sizes, shapes, abilities, and temperaments. And I take great delight in saying that because God is no respecter of our arbitrary standards of who is "marryable" and who is not.

So, praise the Lord! Seriously! I'm not being flip. It's actually quite difficult to take two self-centered people and move them toward making a lifetime commitment to each other. Marriage is an act of grace in action.

Inevitably, though, when I talk about praying for husbands, someone comes in a theological tangle, wondering if God is good to me and to anyone else who is still praying and still single. Should we even pray for husbands? Is that acceptable? What if we pray and we remain single-what then??

My first answer is that of course God is still good if we pray and remain single. Marriage is a gift for this life alone. If we have received forgiveness for our sins and life eternal, we have already received the biggest and best gift and one that is for all eternity. We didn't miss out on God's very best.

Secondly, if we are still alive, the story of God's grace in our lives is still being written. We don't know the future. Only He knows the beginning from the end (Is. 46:10 and Rev. 21:6) and so it is arrogant to assume we can survey our circumstances and conclude we know what God is doing. (See: Naomi. A woman who was so very sure God's hand was against her that she wanted to be called "Bitter." But as she stood complaining, she had no idea that God was already at work to provide food, a kinsman-redeemer, an heir, and even far more unexpectedly, a place in the lineage of her Savior!)

Thirdly, we have no other option, according to Scripture. Philippians 4:4-7 makes this very clear: "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." This passage makes it very easy for us to understand that all we can do is pray, be thankful, and avoid anxiousness, which leads to bitterness. We're not in charge of the answers. We're in charge of the petitions. So, petition away!

But be thankful in those petitions. Since we're not the omniscient, omnipotent, perfect, holy, just, and merciful Being in these transactions, we get to be the grateful recipients. All the time. Without ceasing. "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

What circumstances do you find yourself in today? Give thanks and pray without ceasing. For as we keep our eyes on Him and praise Him in all circumstances (the good, the happy, the hard, the confusing, the horrifying), we silence the Accuser, the one who exists to blame God for not being good and blame us for not being good enough.

Of this I am supremely confident: When we see our Savior and Redeemer face to face, we will not regret being thankful for trusting Him, even in circumstances we could not control and would not have chosen. We will see then by the light of His glory all that He was doing in and through those very moments. What seemed like unanswered prayer will be set against the grand tapestry of His grace coursing through history. We will see what He was doing ... and we will eternally praise Him for it.

So pray without ceasing and eagerly await what God does in and through these prayers.

[Carolyn McCulley is an author of Radical Womanhood: Feminine Faith in a Feminist World and is a women's conference speaker across the nation. She also publishes the Radical Womanhood blog, where the above post first appeared.]

Yes, Let's Elevate the Scrutiny on Planned Parenthood--Finally!

This is from a Member of Congress to House Speaker John Boehner  asking for further investigation into Planned Parenthood. She lays out their series of violations, which are inexcusably ignored by the mainstream media. I like this political strategy: calling for official Congressional hearings on this despicable organization.

Dear Colleague:

Please see the following letter I sent respectfully calling for Congressional hearings on Planned Parenthood. This is a very important issue that I wanted to bring to your attention.


Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)

Dear Speaker Boehner:

Based on several reports and mounting evidence regarding Planned Parenthood’s numerous improprieties, I am respectfully requesting that we move forward with a full-scale series of Congressional hearings to expose the damage Planned Parenthood has caused to our nation. In the House Republican Pledge to America we committed to honor life and we promised: “to make government more transparent in its actions, careful in its stewardship, and honest in its dealings.” To hold true to those commitments, this Congress must move forward the investigations of Planned Parenthood to ensure it is held fully accountable.

Several months have passed since the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations first initiated its investigation into Planned Parenthood under the leadership of Congressman Cliff Stearns. I was pleased that the actions of Planned Parenthood rose to the Committee’s attention and that it was determined the Committee should move forward to review and investigate.

We have been made aware of reports that last year Planned Parenthood received $487 million in federal, state, and local funding. At the same time, Planned Parenthood topped $1 billion in total net assets while abortions made up 91% of their pregnancy-related services.

Last December, several former officers and employees of Planned Parenthood blew the whistle on their former employer. These former employees called out Planned Parenthood for failing to: segregate taxpayer dollars in a way that is required under federal law; failing to give parental notification in cases of statutory rape and human trafficking; failing to stop or adequately address coercion at their facilities; and failing to keep financial records in compliance with state and federal laws.

Just yesterday, the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) and the Susan B. Anthony List released a groundbreaking report to Congress that already identifies nearly $8 million in waste, abuse, and potential fraud by Planned Parenthood. Their report states that: “Planned Parenthood’s primary motivation is to take advantage of ‘overbilling’ opportunities to maximize its revenues in complex, well-funded federal and state programs that are understaffed and rely on the integrity of the provider for program compliance. Thus, Planned Parenthood’s primary motivation appears not to be to provide quality healthcare to patients who seek family planning services, but rather to enhance its profits.” The report also found that federal audits of family planning programs from 1995 to 2009 reached almost $88 million in overbilling, with the sum rising as high as $99 million according to the Inspector General’s Office at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

If Planned Parenthood is defrauding the Treasury to meet its abortion quota then the American people deserve answers in an open and transparent series of Congressional hearings. Congress needs to take leadership now. House Republicans shouldn’t settle for inaction in the face of injustice. Please join me to make sure we don’t leave this growing scandal left unchecked.

Marsha Blackburn

cc: House GOP Conference

Monday, February 13, 2012

Keep Watch on Yourself, Lest You Too Be Tempted

Galatians 6:1 says, “Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.”

I have learned this verse by experience in the past year. For the first time, I was deeply hurt by someone very close to me. A Christian friend who claims to love and worship Jesus refused to extend grace and mercy to me. And not only to me, but to many others as well. 

One can only do so much to “restore someone in a spirit of gentleness.” It was my place to do so; I was not a stranger or acquaintance, but loved and wanted the very best for this person. It was my job to gently and lovingly try to point out this weakness in the hope of restoration. But my caring intentions were flatly rejected by the individual, who instead judged me and turned a steeled heart toward me. 

I hurt for many reasons, some of which were my own vanity, the feeling of judgment, and the lack of mercy for my human failings for which my friend withheld grace and forgiveness. This is where I started to encounter the second part of the verse, where I lost watch on myself, because my eyes were on my friend, and I was tempted to the same unforgiveness, lack of mercy, and judgment I had pointed out in the first place.

When you try to restore someone with gentleness and they do not receive it, it is easy to become preoccupied with the other person’s behavior, and lose sight of your own heart. I found that mine had become hardened toward my friend, just as my friend’s had been toward me.

I will react differently in the future, and I will determine today that my feelings, emotions, hurts, and pains will not dictate my life or thoughts of other people. I am so sorry for becoming hardened and embittered toward my friend for not receiving or hearing my gentle rebuke. 

God, I only ask that you please help this friend overcome this significant barrier to experience your mercy. You state that God will “forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Jesus please have mercy on those who refuse to forgive and extend mercy. And please help me to let go of the hardness and bitterness that I have allowed to hold me captive.

Friday, February 10, 2012

My Valentine

"Place me like a seal over your heart,
like a seal on your arm;
for love is as strong as death,
its jealousy unyielding as the grave.
It burns like blazing fire,
like a mighty flame.
Many waters cannot quench love;
rivers cannot sweep it away.
If one were to give
all the wealth of one’s house for love,
it would be utterly scorned."
- Song of Songs 8:6-7

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Knock and the Door Will Be Opened to His Heart

Knock and the Door Will Be Opened to His Heart

Tip tip toe up, no one knows I’m here, but
He who I come to see in secret; just
Sink into intimacy beyond glut
And clamor and clambering of world’s thrust.

If I could, I’d shuffle to the front, down
On my knees for in my spirit I’m bowed.
Look upon me, your healing Love renown
A gaze on your beauty, all evil’s cowed.

I go for naught but You, for you I crave.
You don’t depend on worship at your feet.
You, One and Only, need not what I gave,
Pure grace and mercy, little me you meet.

You deign to host me in your home, my Lord.
Thank you’s not enough; for you my life’s poured.

Monday, February 06, 2012

What Shall I Do for Lent this Year?

I am considering some more rigorous spiritual exercises for lent this year. I don’t know what it will entail. I think it must be a mix of some regular fasting, as well as some proactive things such as extended prayer, scripture memorization, reading…something difficult and challenging. I want to train my heart and mind and body to be more submitted and open to Christ. I want to be more obedient to him. Help me determine what you want me to do, Oh Lord.

PS, I almost forgot about service. Why is it that service is always last on my mind? Maybe I should get more involved in regular service. 

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Reflections on Recent Life Controversies

This morning President Obama stood up and spoke his words of faith at the National Prayer Breakfast, a prominent gathering of international leaders and American political and religious elite. He addressed the nation and spoke again about the influence of prayer and personal faith in his life. 

How ironic, that this man in the past weeks and months has completely severed his political alliances with many devout Christians--especially the Catholics who are most affected by his recent decisions to require health insurance plan providers to cover contraception, sterilization, and abortifacients like Plan B and Ella. While the Houses of Worship themselves may be exempt, religious organizations such as hospitals, universities, and non-profits must pay for these products and services that they renounce.

Surely, most people will know how I feel about this flagrant violation of the conscience rights of employers and health plan purchasers who are forced to pay for services that violate their moral core--it is a disgrace! But in this post I want to highlight two things: the vast political change this move signifies, and the Hope that I have in our God to overcome!

First, the interesting news from a near-political scientist. Oh how things are changing. This quote from the article, “Obama is increasingly inclined to side with people who will vote for him even if it means enraging those who might, but probably won’t, vote for him.” It was not too long ago that Catholics were a solid Democratic base and could be counted on to vote Democrat every time. However, the rift in evangelical ideals and the polarization of the parties have caused orthodox Christians, both protestant and Catholic, as well as devout adherents of every non-Christian denomination and religion to vote increasingly with the Republicans. The religious partisan rift is no longer protestant (Republican) versus Catholic/Jewish (Democrat), but along the fault lines of Republican religious believers (orthodox Christian/Catholic, orthodox Jewish, Mormon, and Muslim) versus secular Democrats. As an interesting commentary, I just want to point out that all God’s (and alleged gods) followers seem to be increasingly on the one side of the political spectrum...more controversially stated, God is welcomed on only one side of the spectrum. I know what side I feel comfortable on, even if I take issue with certain aspects of the political agenda. It is undeniable empirically-- in American politics, devout religious adherents vote Republican.

Onto the happy, hopeful note of this whole issue. When I was in high school, and even in college, I thought that the anti-abortion movement was a losing fight. The media and academia talk about pro-lifers as though they are the last vestige of an old worldview, one in which women were relegated and confined to home life. But no more, this worldview said; we are more advanced now and will soon put the last of the protests behind us and become civilized and allow women to do whatever they please in private, and not be rude enough to trouble women with insisting that they give birth to the child they created. Since the Roe v. Wade decision in the 1970s, it was rather taken for granted that the old views would dissipate and be silenced by budding progressivism and the legion of strong women rising in the working world. 

How beautiful to see that the pro-life fight is continuing to gain strength, and to become front and center in the political battle of the 21st century! This fight between the Christian Church and the Obama Administration is legendary. All of the academics and philosophers would like to shrug off this issue as “extremist right wing” and not to be taken seriously. However, taking on evangelical Christians and directly attacking the Catholic Church is a more significant confrontation than I can compare to any recent political showdown. As the pro-life issue continues to grow to front and center stage, I marvel in the strength of Our God, and the Truth that he embodies and calls us to fight for. 

This issue will not settle down, will not disappear, will not go away. The closer the Church as a Christian-whole grows toward Jesus Christ, the more wisdom and understanding we will have. The more strength we will have for this battle.

I am confident that when we fight for Life in this political battle, we are enacting the Will of God and ushering in the Kingdom of Heaven. There are not many times that I know with absolute certainty that I am directly praying the Will of God over a situation, but the pro-life battle is one of those times.

Thank you, Jesus, for keeping the fire burning, and continuing to raise the matter in the hearts of your people. Please continue to create times of crisis and political standoffs which highlight the depths of the incongruous cultures of life and death, and burden Americans with the undying importance of the pro-life cause.