Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Divine Appointments

Thank the Lord Jesus Christ for divine appointments. Thank you, God. I am really thankful for the smallest, most mundane and seemingly insignificant meetings. But to my soul they are the world and the breath I need to press on as a pilgrim. You  know what I need in the tiniest measures. Thank you for reprieves and help me to appropriately understand and accept them.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I Was So Upset Last Night

Excerpted from an email with a friend about an event last night at a local "intellectual" coffee shop.

"Oh wow, that was one experience that I will never forget. Especially after I woke up this morning and saw the news about the Ambassador in Libya and the flag in Egypt. I will write more about the talk later once I can better process it. Ramadan was okay, although I didn't agree with a lot of what he said about economic openness being the best way to achieve peace rather than imposing democracy-which of course has its problems.

But the part that left me so heavy-hearted and infuriated were the "so called enlightened liberal intellectual" old people who were the opposite of open minded and just wanted to hear America-bashing. They were loud, boo-ed people they didn't agree with, heckled, and were otherwise emotional and irrational. I read this line about Politics and Prose, and I really really experienced it last night with the people there: (Politics and Prose is a)  "veritable temple of upper Northwest Washington culture." (I never want to identify with this culture, God help me!)

I wish I could have asked your question. The line was immediate and very long for questions, so I didn't stand a chance. I just went to find PB to cry on his shoulder. Okay, I didn't cry but I felt like it. (Some of) the audience would not even tolerate the intimation that there is PRESENT DAY oppression and problems with the revolutions that happened over the past years. That is what I mean when I say that they are so closed minded. I could almost picture them covering their ears and writhing on the ground, unable to listen to any claim of oppression or persecution in the "inspiring" Arab Awakening.

So it would have been wonderful to have you there, it would have helped my spirit immensely. I prayed a lot before I went, and hoped to see other loving and kind-spirited, thoughtful Muslims and Arabs. Instead, there were mostly America-hating old liberal people who wouldn't let a good question get in without their obfuscating and
being very very distracting.

Okay, you can probably detect my consternation. Enough venting. I hope you have a wonderful, beautiful and inspiring day. I am going to pray for Libya, Egypt, and America."
