Sunday, September 10, 2017

Planning for the busy week

This week has been busier than normal in some ways with the start of the regular Fall schedule in full force. MOPS started this week, and my women's ministry program WWP starts next Friday. For a woman without a job or kids in school, my calendar is filling up!
 Much of last week's/this weekend's activity may just be mental business because I know that this coming week will be a marathon.

Tuesday I am hosting the leadership meeting for WWP (our new Parish Women's Bible Study). I am organizing it and am trying to prepare the content of the leaders meeting as well as set the table for the event.

There is a lot of information to cover but I think I am going to go with just the more needful at this time. The two hour meeting will be full with lunch, up to five kids. and all the information I have not even been able to sift through adequately. The biggest question remains whether or not all of the security clearances will have checked out by Friday. I pray to God that they will! It will not be the best scenario for me to have to fill in with babysitting for the first week. Please, God, don't let that be the case!

For the meeting, I will simply run through specifically what will happen for the first two sessions.  The first session is unique, and the second session is like most of the other sessions. Therefore, both should be covered.

I will also ask the leaders to bring one sweet or savory food dish of whatever they choose variety for the first two weeks, and after that, we will ask others to sign up.  I also would like them to bring coffee makers so we can have quick, hot cups of both decaf and regular coffee.

Anything more than that will be too much, in my opinion. I can slowly ask for help with the other areas as the weeks go on and I am able to see what needs to be done.

I will leave this post alone now, after discussing my planning for WWP leadership team meeting on Tuesday. I plan on devising my shopping list now, and need to wait until Monday to purchase so my croissants are fresh!

On to the Mass Readings for today!

One of my favorite phrases from Scripture is the Psalm for this week, Psalm 95

Come, let us bow down in worship;
let us kneel before the LORD who made us.
For he is our God,
and we are the people he shepherds, the flock he guides.

I can truly hear the song playing in my heart from my youth. How lovely. It is self explanatory.

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