Tuesday, December 27, 2011


"...Well, it don't stop
No, it's never gonna stop
Why do I have to wear 
So many things on my head? 
One day I'm a mother
One day I'm a lover
What am I supposed to do?
Working for a livin' 
All because I'm driven
To be the very best for you..."
- Hats, Amy Grant

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Advice from a Famous Father

A quote from John Quincy Adams to his daughter:
"Daughter! Get you an honest man for a husband and keep him honest. No matter whether he is rich, provided he be independent. Regard the honor and moral character of the man, more than all other circumstances. Think of no other greatness but that of the soul, no other riches but those of the heart."

Thursday, December 22, 2011

How Can I Turn My Room Into This?

Sonnet from the extra long airport layover

Thoughts of all I poured out in love to you
Depleted all my heart’s life blood; now faint
Whimpering, trying to arouse life anew.
Failing-- for you think you’re my sinners’ saint.

Won’t let you rule my healing—God controls
Me and I willfully obey my Lord.
A victim of no one I will take hold
Unnecessary to have your regard.

You took of me what you cannot return
Dishonorable toward my woman’s heart
Avowed promises of words and eyes spurned
Unable to fulfill the knightly art.

So much so wrong, why can’t I give you up?
From pangs within, my love, it still erupts.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Beautiful Song I Hesitate to Post

Every time this song comes on Pandora, I stop and listen to it. That is unusual for me-- I don't really appreciate music as much as I should and I rarely ever notice the lyrics. But for some reason, this one always gets me. I hesitate to post it, because I don't want anyone to infer any deep long lost romance from it. But for some reason, I love this song so very much. I don't have anything that "I never told" someone. But it is such an amazing song and I love it. And I like Colbie's hat...surprise, surprise. 

"I Never Told You"

Monday, December 12, 2011

Facebook and Me

I am seriously considering deactivating my Facebook account. But the problem is that I don’t want people to think that I defriended them, and I still want to receive messages and Facebook invitations to events. But I don’t like the time consuming aspect of Facebook and I need to refrain from commenting and using it for any reason except as an inbox. I don't know what to do. Any thoughts?

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Spiritual Autobiography Part Three

To my dearest and closest friends, I wanted to share something with you.

There have been many circumstances-- both external and internal-- that made me decide that I would return to the Catholic Church.

I decided to do so on Monday, and made an appointment for Confession on Wednesday. I went and confessed and was therefore free to receive Communion, which I did on Thursday.

Someone asked me if it felt any different than taking Communion at my Anglican church. It did not. I firmly believe that although the elements of Communion may be substantively different at different churches, God honors a heart in the posture to receive him.  My heart was receptive to him in the same way on Wednesday as it was the week before at Church of the Resurrection, but I have a different knowledge and understanding of the elements I am consuming now. I experienced a heightened reverence and expectation in my taking Communion, but I did not feel different. But feeling a certain way is not the goal, end, or proof of actions of faith, in my experience.

I can tell you that I did hear from God in a much easier, audible, direct, and intuitive way after taking Communion. I believe that this is because I obeyed Him in a way that was scary for me and required a big leap of faith. I essentially gave my “fiat” (a nugget of wisdom shared with me by a friend) and acted on the small mustard seed of faith and bowed before God’s nudging. I think He showed himself powerful and ever-loving to me in my act of submission, and that is why I heard from him in an extra-special way.

Meanwhile, I am meeting with the head Pastor from my Anglican church soon and I am going to tell him about this. Please pray for me to gain perspective and direction about what to do next. I need to talk and think and pray more about what to do about my current church, which I love. I am also extremely sensitive and cautious about sharing this information, NOT because I want to be secretive, but because I want to be private for now.

I don’t appreciate or want to participate in hearty community expressions of “oh good, now you are RIGHT, or you finally saw the light,” or other judgmental and xenophobic expressions that I don’t identify with at all. That will never be my heart for God’s people. So I want to kind of hibernate in my relationship with God and of course maintain my Godly friendships and community (all of which are outside of the walls of the Church building anyway) and not jump in and get involved in spreading the news that I have returned to the Catholic Church.

For me, what is important for people to know about me is that I am the same Juliet (or JuJuBee) as I was before. Just because I go to Mass and take Communion rather than staying in the pew, does not mean that my faith will change in any way but in expression. A seed of faith was planted in my heart as a child, and this is where the latest growth spurt of God-ordained maturity is taking me.

So thank you, friends, my beloved friends, for your generous, loving and wise spirits. I am only the woman I am today because of all of you!


Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Take that, iPod and Blackberry

"Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. They are but improved means to an unimproved end.” -- Henry David Thoreau (1854)