Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Tree House Study

I'm sitting upstairs at the Starbucks down the street from my house, the tree house loft. I got here really early today, which allowed me to secure my most coveted spot, the table by the window overlooking Pennsylvania Ave. It is a bright and sunny day, with the last of the few spare leaves shimmering golden and maple in the sunshine. Below, life feels and looks like it is picking up speed again, after the lloooonnngggg sloooow trudging through the bitter cold and chill of winter wind. Oh, life, come alive again! Oh, soul, come alive again!

Last night I went walking on the National Mall with my good friend, and I enjoyed the brisk pace to keep me warm, and the cool sprays of rain water sitting on my skin. My cheekbones almost felt frozen, but everything else was toasty!

Another thing brightened my day today: upstairs there were two little blond boys. Maybe three and four years old. They were chatty and sunny and an older man was talking to them and making them giggle. When he left, he told them to have an awesome day, and they both chirped back together, "you have an awesome day, too!" It was so cute, unbelievably cute, and they were pure sunshine and light in my day. I know its going to be a good one!

And it will end just as sweetly at the Cheesecake factory with my Sweetheart!


noël said...

Wow, moments of joy during your dissertation process?! That's fun. I hope when I do this again that I work on surrounding myself with a life of people, friends, and places that I love.
I'm so excited to visit. We should go sit there.

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