Friday, September 09, 2011

Thanksgiving Preview

Dear Ones,

It is only early September, but I feel deeply in my soul that Thanksgiving is right here, right now. The cool, rainy, and overcast weather has swept the dusty last days of summer away. I lament the end of the glorious sunny season, but somehow I always end up warming to the heart of the autumn season. While spring is the season of growth, and summer is the season of ripening and glorying in bounty, fall has its own unique charm: for me, fall represents the moment at which– the nanosecond at which—the almonds are perfectly roasted to bring out the fullness of the flavor, the muffin tops are perfectly browned, and the trail of fragrance from the baking spiced cake wafts to your nose and fills the house with a warm, autumn aura.

Autumn is a perfect moment, and it feels to me like a celestial hug. It is the feeling of pulling your down comforter over your face and snuggling into the warmth of your blankets, a delightful contrast to the chilled and fresh air on the other side of the covers. Warm autumn memories, sights, sounds, and smells are a constant delight.

I am so thankful to have these blessed associations to hearken back to when it is hard to be thankful. On the simplest level of weather, atmosphere, and basic provisions needed for warmth, dryness, and sustenance, our God is at work to show us His Goodness. And I am grateful. May I never forget it!

For this, and for all the more meaningful blessings of family, faith, hope, and love, I am eternally grateful. Happy Thanksgiving!


Thanksgiving For When It's Hard

I find it difficult to praise and thank
You Lord when a grin is not a reflex
response; when Your Will brings regret and vex
Yet you want me true, in word and deed, frank.

So I tell you this Thanksgiving that I 
Am grateful that you weep when I am hurt;
Consoling me through pain you don’t avert
You can—but don’t—“let this cup pass me by.”

Therefore I trust your greater high purpose
You work all things—ALL THINGS—for Good for those
Like me, who in faith, want just what You chose
I say and mean it; help my heart feel this. 

Thank you, my God, that my pain’s not the end,
I fell in love when you made me your friend!

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