Saturday, May 12, 2007

My teacher writes this about me:
"I have to admit that I am a little worried with regard to the comprehensive exam, although I am confident that you can pass it after more study."

This didn't help my nerves. Since I moved to DC, I have been extremely anxious and nervous about school. Although the Lord has helped me through a lot of the anxiety, I have never had a "good" feeling about my courses. Oftentimes I dread going to class, because it is intimidating, and I am able to comprehend such a surface proportion of the literature.
My main stressor of the year are the looming "comprehensive exams." I need to determine at which point to take them, and my professor strongly suggests that I do my schoolwork "full time" instead of half working, quarter studying. While this is a fair point, I cannot afford to "not work" nor would I wish to sit at a desk for 8 hours of my day.
I will be praying for opportunities to study full time, and to go back and revisit the arguments present in the vast literature in my field. I do not want to work at an incredible institution. I merely wish to work at a state university, influencing students, and pursuing foreign policy interests on the side.

I am really scared that I am spending so much energy, time, and MONEY on this education that I may not be able to complete. My teacher said I am "plenty smart" to get through it, but I don't feel so confident, especially because he doesn't know me outside of my mediocre work.

I am so scared. Lord walk me through this valley!

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