Friday, June 24, 2011

Living Well in DC

I am going to give a very short (3 minutes) talk on "Living Well in Washington, DC."

Upon first reflection, I was convinced that I was failing to live well in DC. But God slowly started bringing a few things to mind that I could share.

These are my themes:
1. Unlike anywhere else, DC teaches you how to be a friend. Everyone here needs a friend. When I first moved here I didn't know anyone (in fact, I thought people would walk up to me!) but through thoughtful pursual of friendships, I have learned so much. But still so much room to grow.

2. Learned to care for, develop relationships with, and invest in non-believers. Feel called to the community where you are, at work, roommates, school, strangers. People want to talk. You can share you life with them, talk about your faith, invite them to things. Whether or not they are interested now, they will always know they can come to you. Your steadfastness of faith and belief is the best witness. My old friends from highschool, for example, probably know that if they were to speak to me years from now, I would hold fast to the same central identity. Also learn to put up boundaries in a healthy way.

3. Never stop growing. I am a sponge, a learner by nature. Soak up what DC has to offer. I will never live in another place that has the intellectual, thoughtful theological, action oriented, or community driven culture. With so much, for FREE! Takes a certain taste to be interested in intellectual, political, theological Christianity. But it is definitely here.

4. If you don't like where you are, and you don't feel called to leave, pray and dig deep roots. First sermon I heard in DC was about how people never unpack their bags. And that is a sure sign of continuing shallow relationships and a shallow life. At one point I really disliked being on campus at GW because I felt it was oppressive to spirituality in general, Christianity in particular. I forced myself to go on campus every day and pray for my school. My heart changed!

5. Don't be self indulgent. Many of us have expendable income and no responsibilities. Be wise and invest carefully. Even though we are single and have the opportunity to explore and find ourselves, women are still called to be nurturers and mothers to all. Don't forsake that. Especially if you want to be married someday. 

Please, please give me feed back as to your top three themes. (I was specifically asked to share the missional one, about reaching out to non believers).

1 comment:

The Elizabeth W said...

I really like #4 and 5! I think 4 is something that a LOT of us deal with because even if we are called to be here long term, it's hard to hold onto that with everyone around us constantly moving.

And 5 is also important since the high cost of living skews our perception of value.