Thursday, June 02, 2011

Surprised by Love

I read this article today and it took my breath away...the philosophical, theological, deep romance, tenderness, and the crescendo of it's magnificence (meaning, the longer you read it, the better and bolder the statement). I do think it is too bad that the opening is so weak. The latter half left my insides swirling and found me crying at my desk with big droplets of tears rolling down my cheeks. Maybe it is because I am utterly heartbroken and this stirred up my own feelings and longings. I emailed it to a few people and at least one responded, "...this didn't wow me like it wow'ed you..." But for the other sensitive, romantic idealists and philosophers out there, do you think this article is just another sweet article, or is is something magnificent? Maybe my radar is off-centered at the moment. Please let me know what you think.

VIEW ARTICLE HERE: Surprised By Love by Tim Muldoon

1 comment:

Teresa said...

The spiritual nature and honor of God's blessing in a marriage partner can hardly be expressed any more beautifully than this. Those whose chords of recognition are struck by this narrative will resonate as their voice agrees by the spilling of tears.