Thursday, September 07, 2017

Habits- you are what you do

My life has changed radically from the time I initially blogged at this address. I was not consistent and you will notice large swaths of time missing from my posts.

Now I am married, have two daughter, and stay at home with them full time. My life has changed, and I have had the opportunity to "remake" myself in certain ways. Key to change is altering my habits. 

I have much to say on this topic in many areas of my life and I intend to blog daily to provide updates on attempts at better habit-formation. While I don't have the time this morning to draft, edit, and publish a blog post, I decided to provide one update on a habit I hope to build upon this month: getting back in shape.

I used to work out by lifting light weights prior to having my first daughter. I have seldom been back to the gym since. I don't intend to return to the gym, and most workouts take too much time for me at the moment. Therefore, I am going to be using youtube videos to usher me back into shape.

I intend to use 10-12 minute high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts a few days a week, and pilates youtube videos on other days of the week. My aim is to do five days a week. I cannot suffer more than 20 minutes of workout a day, so I will find short videos and try to build up a good repertoire to choose from. I think it will be fun for the girls to participate and watch as well.

So my goals for the month of September and the habits I hope to form are: 1) workout daily or almost daily and 2) blog daily or almost daily even with the most mundane updates on my progress and life work.

This warrants many posts, but I will also be continuing to follow the FlyLady routine modified to my needs. I have already begun this habit almost two months ago and it is well underway although I am not as thorough as I would like to be. I shall provide more insight into how this has changed my life as the months progress and as my home continues to improve. 

Take care, and I will leave you with a portion of today's Mass readings in Luke Chapter 5:

After he had finished speaking, he said to Simon,
"Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch."
Simon said in reply,
"Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing,
but at your command I will lower the nets."
When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish
and their nets were tearing."

To me, this shows that it is always God who gives all bounty and gifts. That's probably not the true message of the passage and I don't claim that it is, but that is my takeaway. We can go about fruitlessly but when we hasten to obey God, everything can change instantaneously.

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