Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Russian Roulette with Rihanna

I have had such an interesting reaction to a new song by Rihanna called "Russian Roulette." There's something mysteriously compelling about it. I love and am so attracted to the sound of the song. It's intense and melodic and sounds a bit dark, just what I like. However, the lyrics are an anathema to me. It's so troubling, because she is engaging with one other individual in a game of Russian Roulette, where they each take turns pointing and shooting a gun loaded with a single bullet at each other until someone dies. The lyrics talk about her fear and trembling over this game, but she is not going to back down. One line says, "that he's here means he's never lost"

There is something so troubling to my soul about this song, but I am so drawn to it.....but I know I can't listen to it because it really gets to me and drags me down. I can't shake it when I hear it. That makes me think that it is spiritually charged. I guess that I should have the same reaction when I hear God glorifying music, not necessarily Christian music, but music that highlights the good and noble.

I wonder how my life would be different if I were to evaluate the spiritual valence of everything in my life. The good is a positive spiritual valence (every good and perfect gift comes from God), and everything bad is an evil spiritual valence.

I need to guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus and that means not letting this song into my life, even though I am so drawn to it for some reason.

God please reveal yourself to Rihanna and help that woman out of her disturbing music and video themes.

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