Tuesday, February 21, 2012

One Down, Fifteen to Go

I just finished a book! I subscribe to goodreads.com to keep track of the books I am trying to get through. I have been reading a lot, and I don't want to start anything new until I finish what I am currently working on (FIFTEEN BOOKS I have started and need to finish). This is one of my Lent projects. I am not going out at night, except for my normal routine of walking and talking on the phone. I really want to finish these books so I can refresh my book selection.

The book I finished this weekend is "Return to Modesty" by Wendy Shalit. Here is an excerpt.

It was depressing, mostly, but I guess it is real life and had some truth to it. Although I don't really like the soapbox tone that sometimes creeps in....it is generally secular, which makes it that much more interesting to me. I am used to hearing this tone from Christians, but this is a widespread, secular publication. I appreciated it for that. It is not sanctimonious, but respectfully pushing against the feminist norms encountered in our secular institutions.

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