Thursday, February 02, 2012

Reflections on Recent Life Controversies

This morning President Obama stood up and spoke his words of faith at the National Prayer Breakfast, a prominent gathering of international leaders and American political and religious elite. He addressed the nation and spoke again about the influence of prayer and personal faith in his life. 

How ironic, that this man in the past weeks and months has completely severed his political alliances with many devout Christians--especially the Catholics who are most affected by his recent decisions to require health insurance plan providers to cover contraception, sterilization, and abortifacients like Plan B and Ella. While the Houses of Worship themselves may be exempt, religious organizations such as hospitals, universities, and non-profits must pay for these products and services that they renounce.

Surely, most people will know how I feel about this flagrant violation of the conscience rights of employers and health plan purchasers who are forced to pay for services that violate their moral core--it is a disgrace! But in this post I want to highlight two things: the vast political change this move signifies, and the Hope that I have in our God to overcome!

First, the interesting news from a near-political scientist. Oh how things are changing. This quote from the article, “Obama is increasingly inclined to side with people who will vote for him even if it means enraging those who might, but probably won’t, vote for him.” It was not too long ago that Catholics were a solid Democratic base and could be counted on to vote Democrat every time. However, the rift in evangelical ideals and the polarization of the parties have caused orthodox Christians, both protestant and Catholic, as well as devout adherents of every non-Christian denomination and religion to vote increasingly with the Republicans. The religious partisan rift is no longer protestant (Republican) versus Catholic/Jewish (Democrat), but along the fault lines of Republican religious believers (orthodox Christian/Catholic, orthodox Jewish, Mormon, and Muslim) versus secular Democrats. As an interesting commentary, I just want to point out that all God’s (and alleged gods) followers seem to be increasingly on the one side of the political spectrum...more controversially stated, God is welcomed on only one side of the spectrum. I know what side I feel comfortable on, even if I take issue with certain aspects of the political agenda. It is undeniable empirically-- in American politics, devout religious adherents vote Republican.

Onto the happy, hopeful note of this whole issue. When I was in high school, and even in college, I thought that the anti-abortion movement was a losing fight. The media and academia talk about pro-lifers as though they are the last vestige of an old worldview, one in which women were relegated and confined to home life. But no more, this worldview said; we are more advanced now and will soon put the last of the protests behind us and become civilized and allow women to do whatever they please in private, and not be rude enough to trouble women with insisting that they give birth to the child they created. Since the Roe v. Wade decision in the 1970s, it was rather taken for granted that the old views would dissipate and be silenced by budding progressivism and the legion of strong women rising in the working world. 

How beautiful to see that the pro-life fight is continuing to gain strength, and to become front and center in the political battle of the 21st century! This fight between the Christian Church and the Obama Administration is legendary. All of the academics and philosophers would like to shrug off this issue as “extremist right wing” and not to be taken seriously. However, taking on evangelical Christians and directly attacking the Catholic Church is a more significant confrontation than I can compare to any recent political showdown. As the pro-life issue continues to grow to front and center stage, I marvel in the strength of Our God, and the Truth that he embodies and calls us to fight for. 

This issue will not settle down, will not disappear, will not go away. The closer the Church as a Christian-whole grows toward Jesus Christ, the more wisdom and understanding we will have. The more strength we will have for this battle.

I am confident that when we fight for Life in this political battle, we are enacting the Will of God and ushering in the Kingdom of Heaven. There are not many times that I know with absolute certainty that I am directly praying the Will of God over a situation, but the pro-life battle is one of those times.

Thank you, Jesus, for keeping the fire burning, and continuing to raise the matter in the hearts of your people. Please continue to create times of crisis and political standoffs which highlight the depths of the incongruous cultures of life and death, and burden Americans with the undying importance of the pro-life cause.

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