Sunday, November 08, 2009

Abortion is not health care

Last night, the House of Representatives sent a resounding message that abortion is not health care. Tax payer money will be prohibited from funding abortion in the new health care bill. This is a huge victory.

I am so grateful and thankful for the conviction and concern of members of Congress like Bart Stupak (D-MI) who stand up to leadership and remain true to the Truth that all life is ordained by God. Thank you Mr. Stupak, Mr. Pitts, Mr. Radanovich, and the many others who stand for life and truth. God bless you! And may He use me and others in similar fashion in our lives, to be the voice of Truth in an unfriendly and hostile situation.

1 comment:

Noël V. said...

I'm just curious, but wasn't this the plan from the beginning? I remember listening to Obama's health care speech and he specifically stated that the government would not fund abortion. I know at the time it was just an intention rather than an actual bill, but was this seriously debated or unanimously supported?