Friday, November 06, 2009

Ft. Hood

Yesterday I spent an hour writing a Veteran's day statement to be given to soldiers and their families and veterans in California. I prayed first, and then sat down and began to compose out of my creativity and spirit. I wanted to encourage and honor and bless our self-sacrificing servicemen.

I spoke of the work that our military has done in Afghanistan to lay the goundwork for a democratic, though tumultuous election that took place early this week. I spoke of how the most important and worthwhile efforts in life are always costly, as our WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, and Iraq and Afghanistan veterans can attest to.

I was so pleased to bless them with the Numbers 6 blessing from Scripture, and I submitted this document and it was accepted and slated to be read. I went to bed feeling very rested and contented in this work.

This morning, I awoke to detestable news. Thirteen soldiers had been shot and killed at Fort Hood, Texas, by a Major in the army. Although his motives are uncertain-- they could have been religiously based-- it is a tragedy on many levels. I am so sorry, so sorry, and so prayerful for the families of the deceased and wounded soldiers who must face this Veteran's day in the wake of such loss of life. It is even more unfortunate that this massacre occured from one within the instituiton of the military. I pray that healing and reparation can be made this side of heaven, though we know that all justice and truth will occur only when we see Him face to face. All the questions of the world will grow dim and inconsequential when we encounter the one called Faithful and True (Revelation 19). Jesus, come back soon for your own. Heal our land and protect us all as we seek to glorify you.

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