Wednesday, December 09, 2009


I have been asking around about the best ways to stay warm in this wintery weather. Since I am too lazy to blow dry my hair most nights, I have been sleeping in a hooded Fresno State sweatshirt, and last night I wore a big knit scarf wrapped tightly around my neck. I also had the hood tied under my chin to keep my wet hair from being exposed to the cold air. On my bed, I have my sheets, an electric blanket that does not work, two quilts, a down comforter, and my amazing zero degree sleeping bag. It feels heavenly to go to bed. I stay perfectly warm.

But when I sit and study, I turn to marble. I get so cold, and I am so still and stiff and unmoving when I study, that all the warmth leaves me. My hands get stiff and cold like a dead person. Maybe those fingerless gloves would be good, to allow me to type even when I am freezing cold.

But the best thing to warm me up is to use my muscles. I am sitting here right now dreaming about it. Not like doing cardio exercise or running, but actually using my muscles. I would love to have a gymnastics gym near me, with mats and trampolines and bars and mirrors, so that I can do more muscle building activities. slow, suspended and methodical movements are so relaxing.

Last week, I was watching home movies with my aunt in TN, and the first thing on the disc was a routine that I choreographed and performed in front of my entire elementary school. It was a gymnastics routine, and I was super impressed by my little ten year old self. Wish I were still as limber and lithe. See Shawn Johnson here.

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