Friday, January 15, 2010

Bows and Flows of Angel Hair, and Ice Cream Castles In the Air

This is what my dreams looked like last night. I don’t think that I have ever dreamed about food before in my life. I must have been hungry. In my dream, my sister made me brownies with caramel and marshmallow, and of course it was delicious. Maybe it’s because I had a cookie after dinner…one of my favorites, from Firehook. Its an “Presidential Cookie,” complete with everything you could want. Oatmeal, chocolate chips, walnuts, dried cherries…and lots and lots of butter. And as a plus, it gave me sweet dreams.

In truth, though a puzzling night of sleep, it was a welcome respite from the heavy burdens that have been weighing on me lately. Not just my test, but other big things that my beloved friends and family are going through. I have felt the weight of these things in a heightened proportion the last few days. Part of me thinks that it is an attempt of the enemy to disturb my peace. But I won’t be rattled! I am focused, focused, focused on my exam. God can take care of everything,  of that I am certain, so I am laying my burdens, anxieties and cares at his more-than-capable feet.

I just listened to a song this morning on my ipod that asked, “who planted the trees,” prodding me to think about the world in its original, pristine form after creation. God planted the first trees. How incredible! Were it not for the first act, we wouldn’t have any today. For many across the world, trees are their livelihood, their shade, and sustainers of their economy and life. Thank you, God, for your creativity. You are quite the artist. And everything you created is utterly original. There was no model or prototype. You created, you breathed, you spoke and world came together.

…and then I panic about some test….silly me.

Hopefully my dreams are full of candyland adventures this next week. It sure beats waking up and pondering, worrying, or criticizing myself and these hardships.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Okay cool...i cant read it all but will promise to come back...u may have to remind me from time to time