Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I have decided to put a link to my blog on facebook. I am not sure if it will stay or not. But I want to be transparent and real with everyone in my life. If anyone even looks at this (assuming anyone is interested enough in my life to look at this), and has questions about my life or faith, please let me know. I would love to talk about it. Part of my resolution for this year was to engage in more "costly" relationships. Not that a blog interaction is "costly" at all, but it has forced me to be more transparent, just by the chance that anyone would want to read this and hold me to what I say.

My blog represents a part of what I think about, what I care about, what I love, and how I want to lead with my faith in all aspects of my life and follow Jesus Christ to the end. So here's to the journey...I'm a pilgrim.

My biggest fear (the fear of man) is that people will see this blog and think, "oh, I can't believe she would put her whole personal and private life online for others to see." I used to think this too, but I realized that I just want to share my heart with the people I care about, and I want to know and care about and love every individual that comes into my life.

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