Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Juliet v Winter

I know that this is ridiculous to the extreme, and very narcissistic of me to assume, but I honestly feel like Starbucks as a company is intent on freezing me out of their stores. They see me coming, know that I intend to spend several hours at their tables and get a free refill with my registered card after consuming my first beverage of choice, and as soon as I sit down, they crank up the darn air conditioner. It really bothers me that I cannot find a warm spot to study in all of Washington. My house is warm, but that is out of the question as a study location. Last night I worked from home until almost 10:00 pm to upload my promised homework onto this blog, and I had a hard time sleeping because my mind was still reeling from thinking and writing.

There is literally nowhere to go where it is warm and comfortable to sit for a time and read, think, or write. I am simply unable to coexist peacefully with the winter weather. The wind is horrific, and the cold is just penetrating and shocking to the extreme.

At least it's sunny and gorgeous outside. I love this city, I just don't like the cold. It hurts, sucks the life and joy out of me, and leaves my sensitive skin red, dry, and flaky. So awful!


Teresa said...

Cold is miserable, and as any good outdoors person worth their weight will tell you, it is all about the layering. Heat is trapped between the layers!

However, Starbucks caters to the employees who are up and working to make the coffee drinks we crave. They work up a sweat and the air conditioner is for them. Sorry for the customers, temperature is not a consideration in customer comfort.

Teresa said...
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